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Sep 1, 2008


Current through 12/29/08 for most major posts.

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Computers / Technical

View  Page Tracking a Blog Using Google Analytics
11/30/08 - Google Analytics is a free blog tracking service that I use for Easy Opinions. I explain:

  • How GA determines page view time
  • Installing the GA Tracking Code
  • Setting a filter and cookie to exclude your own page views
  • Time on Page with "/endpage" checkpoints
  • Top Content Report - Time on Page
  • Tracking outbound links
  • Sources

View  Expanding Posts in Blogger
12/16/08 - This is how I have implemented Expanding Posts. These are posts which have an introduction on the mainpage of the blog, linked to the entire presentation at an individual post page.


View  Keynes, Digger of Holes
12/29/08 - No one should trust a theory that predicts greater prosperity from digging holes. Yet, this is the theory by Keynes that Obama is following, and many past presidents have followed, to forcibly change our society.

View  A Short Argument Against Stimulus
11/23/08 - The economist Henry Hazlitt explains in three paragraphs why increasing spending on broken windows does not produce prosperity. This is a small example of stimulus, the central myth of our times, taking taxes from some people so that other people can spend. The net result reduces production and kills jobs.

View  We Can Learn From The Savings And Loan Crisis
11/19/08 - An economic recovery is based on confidence, which follows from profits earned from a new analysis. The Savings and Loan bank crisis in the 1980's is an instructive example.

View  Stimulus Does Not Cure a Recession
11/08/08 - Jobs change when people change what they want to buy or can afford. Stimulus is like throwing a party after losing your job. It interferes with looking for the next job, and it uses up savings. Worse, it is more of the borrow and spend policy that helped cause our problems.

View  Government Action Delays Recovery
10/27/08 - WSJ.com Opinion. Enacting one arbitrary policy after another, moving this way and that, "solving" problems by directive, keeps private investment and productivity from making things better.

View  The Tax Cut You May Have to Send Back
10/28/08 - Sen. Obama promises a tax cut for everyone, even people who don't pay tax. If you earn $30,000 you wont get it all. If you make more, you will send some of that tax cut back. Feel what it is like to be rich, paying $350 out of the next $1000 you earn.

View  The Supply Side Robin Hood
10/15/08 - Robin Hood from a different angle. Why high tax rates make everyone poorer, including the poor.

View  We Guarantee It
A Government Guarantee Is a Blank Check On Your Account
10/08/08 - An "implicit" Government guarantee,  doing good with other people's money,  buying votes for political power,  and creating patronage jobs. These are at the center of the current failure of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, brokers, investment banks, and the sinking stock market.

View  Strong Preferences
09/27/08 - Ironically, people who don't know or can't tell the difference have the strongest loyalty to a brand.

View  Public Tax Meeting
09/19/08 - Obama's tax policy is translated into the personal lives of small town America (satire)

View  Econ 201: The Myth of the Economic Multiplier
08/02/08 - Spending public money is a banquet, not a stimulus.

View  No Price Gouging Here
07/04/08 - Restricting profit reduces disaster planning.


View  My Book List
10/24/08 - My worldview is shaped by the books I have read. Here are some of the most important to me, ones that made a difference.

View  College is an Expensive IQ Test
07/11/08 - Employers are prevented by law from directly evaluating people. They use a college degree as a substitute.

View  Teaching the Math Analogy
06/14/08 - Teaching an analogy does not provide useable knowledge.

View  Raising Grades
05/30/08 - Why schools want to give higher grades.


View  Magic Power
07/01/08 - Energy may be magic, but it doesn't appear magically.

View  The CFL Advertising Account
04/19/08 - There are some problems with Compact Fluorescent Lights.

Great Moments in Politics

View  Regulation of Fannie and Freddie


View  Company Paid Health Insurance is Part of Your Salary
12/05/08 - You may think that your health insurance is a "benefit" from a good employer. Actually, you are paying for all of it. You should take control of this part of your salary to get the insurance that you want. Convince the government to do the right thing.

View  Never Events
10/02/08 - Medicare says some events should "never" happen. When they do happen, you will probably pay for them.
Via WhiteCoatRants.

View  ER Medicine and Bureaucracy
09/11/08 - A board certified physician in Emergency Medicine posts at blog "M.D.O.D". I have listed a few of his posts and excerpts.
He is leaving emergency medicine because of the waste and bureaucracy imposed on him by intrusive regulation and arbitrary quality measures.
09/16/08 - Discharge Instructions. Another Emergency Medicine physician reports mind numbing bureaucracy and ignorance about the realities of practice.
10/09/08 - M.D.O.D physician sees into the future of healthcare.


View  Confused Liability Produces Bad Policy
04/26/08 - Liability laws make us less safe, and sometimes unemployed.


View  The Tax Cut You May Have to Send Back
10/28/08 - Sen. Obama promises a tax cut for everyone, even people who don't pay tax. If you earn $30,000 you wont get it all. If you make more, you will send some of that tax cut back. Feel what it is like to be rich, paying $350 out of the next $1000 you earn.

View  Public Tax Meeting
09/19/08 - Obama's tax policy is translated into the personal lives of small town America (satire)

View  Is Obama Guilty by Association?
We are allowed to judge politicians by who they hang out with.

View  Why Doesn't Obama Renounce His Bigoted Church?
Obama's church is his political base.


View  The Political Dictionary
11/04/08 - Politics has its own language. Know the definitions. Satire. A work in progress. Contribute if you wish.

View  McCain's Health Proposal is Misunderstood
10/30/08 - You can keep your company plan, and companies have no reason to drop your coverage. You will owe some extra tax, more than covered by the $5,000 refundable tax credit. Private plans and price competition would be encouraged.

View   The Biggest Promises Win
10/17/08 - Contractors make promises. Politicians make promises. They promise even more when they aren't serious. They tell us later how we misunderstood what they said today. Obama and McCain promise different futures. Obama's marginal tax rates.

View  Tell Me About The Past
10/10/08 - Life is complicated. I don't want to hear about all the things "we need", or about glorious new plans for the future. I want to know what the politician has accomplished, what has already worked, and why it will work in the future to make life better. In detail.

View  We Guarantee It
A Government Guarantee Is a Blank Check On Your Account
10/08/08 - An "implicit" Government guarantee,  doing good with other people's money,  buying votes for political power,  and creating patronage jobs. These are at the center of the current failure of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, brokers, investment banks, and the sinking stock market.

View  Poll - Politician IQ
10/03/08 - Should politicians take an IQ test?

View  Strong Preferences
09/27/08 - Ironically, people who don't know or can't tell the difference have the strongest loyalty to a brand.

View More Jokes in Politics
09/25/08 - Since we can't trust what politicians say, at least they could be funny.

View  Top Ten Negative Stories About Governor Sarah Palin (satire)
Can she stand the heat?

View  I Heard the Rumor
Be skeptical about news until you know where the facts come from. About rumors, libraries, banning books, and candidate VP Sarah Palin.

View  Leading The People
Some leaders will force you to be a better person.

View  1 President + 1 Vice President = 1 President
The Vice President shows only the judgment of the President

View  Seduction and Politics
How a politician acts on a first date.

View  Should the U.S. Be Talking to Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Al-Qaeda? The US is already talking.

View  A New Kind of Politics
Elect me and tomorrow will be different.

The Political Manual

The secrets of politics are revealed

View  Secret Political Manual Discovered
A trucker finds The Political Manual.

View  TPM: Introduction
Welcome to BOPA services.

View  TPM: Taking Positions
Your political positions should please everyone.

View  TPM: Talk At Your Own Risk
Be careful what you say, to anyone.

View  TPM: Adequate Compensation
How to get paid in politics.


View  How To Predict the Future Without Knowing Anything
Four guesses and you are an oracle.

Political Speeches - Satire

View  My Policies
Here are the detailed reasons for electing me.

View  Coming Together
We will all agree under my leadership.

View  Troubling Times
Together we can fix life's problems.


View  Undocumented Employee Benefit
The government does not care about cost and complexity when it wants money.

View  The Deadweight Loss of Taxes
12/29/08 - Production and employment is reduced by increasing taxes, despite increased government spending. It is ironic that taxing the rich makes everyone poorer, the same effect as taxing the middle class.

Politics of the Day

View  09/10/08 - Lipstick on a Pig
Obama makes a poetic political insult.